Monday, February 24, 2014

Re-readathon: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead ~ Chapter 20

To keep up with our goal of re-reading more of our favorite books and re-discover them we created this challenge to help accomplish that goal. We will be reading one chapter each day and also doing a blog post about the chapter, going into detail about each chapter in the book. 
We decided to re-read Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead first.
Co-hosted by Christina @ Booksane and me!

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1) by Richelle Mead
Paperback, 332 pages
Published August 16th 2007 by Razorbill

St. Vladimir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school—it’s a hidden place where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, a bodyguard for her best friend Lissa, a Moroi Vampire Princess. They’ve been on the run, but now they’re being dragged back to St. Vladimir’s—the very place where they’re most in danger...

Rose and Lissa become enmeshed in forbidden romance, the Academy’s ruthless social scene, and unspeakable nighttime rituals. But they must be careful lest the Strigoi—the world’s fiercest and most dangerous vampires—make Lissa one of them forever.

Chapter twenty:

  • page 273 - 283
  • First sentence: 
My mouth dropped open.

*spoiler alert*

I love Rose's reaction to the news about Jesse and Ralf sleeping with Mia. It's just like, whaaaat? And Mason just thinks it's fecking hilarious. But seriously, I loved Rose and Mason in that scene. I just love their relationship actually. And it's really obvious he likes her but that he's also her friend. I was also wishing that Lissa would just act normal again and not be all fake with the other royals. If you seen some of these posts you know I'm not the biggest Lissa fan but together with Rose and Christian she's actually okay. So I need her to get back to that already! And Mia really has to stop freaking out too. And just like Rose I can't feel bad for her anymore either. I'm so glad she punched Mia. I've been waiting on this to happen since Mia first came into the book. Goods things come to those who wait. And yay for Rose making Christian go after Lissa. So glad about that. If only shit hadn't hit the fan right then and there...
Oh and of course at the end where Rose feels the urge to go to Dimitri and they start getting it on. I know it's partly because of the necklace (though they don't) but damn I love it. 


"Do you think I'm pretty?"
He regarded me with utter seriousness, like he always did.
"I think you're beautiful."
"You are so beautiful it hurts me sometimes."
Classic Dimitri-Rose quote! <3

So what are your thoughts on this chapter?
Let me know!