Monday, February 17, 2014

Re-readathon: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead ~ Chapter 13

To keep up with our goal of re-reading more of our favorite books and re-discover them we created this challenge to help accomplish that goal. We will be reading one chapter each day and also doing a blog post about the chapter, going into detail about each chapter in the book. 
We decided to re-read Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead first.
Co-hosted by Christina @ Booksane and me!

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1) by Richelle Mead
Paperback, 332 pages
Published August 16th 2007 by Razorbill

St. Vladimir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school—it’s a hidden place where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, a bodyguard for her best friend Lissa, a Moroi Vampire Princess. They’ve been on the run, but now they’re being dragged back to St. Vladimir’s—the very place where they’re most in danger...

Rose and Lissa become enmeshed in forbidden romance, the Academy’s ruthless social scene, and unspeakable nighttime rituals. But they must be careful lest the Strigoi—the world’s fiercest and most dangerous vampires—make Lissa one of them forever.

Chapter thirteen:

  • page 176 - 187
  • First sentence: 
The aftermath of Jesse and Ralf's lies was about as horrible as I'd expected. 

*spoiler alert*

I really liked this chapter! The gossiping about the lies Jesse and Ralf had spread is getting worse and worse so Lissa decided to use compulsion to try and make it better. I was like, no don't do that, Lissa! You'll make it worse for yourself! Meanwhile she and Christian haven't talked or hung out anymore because of what Rose (damn her!) said to him even though they are totally into each other. Sigh. The scene between them was kinda cute though, when he helped her with her ponytail. 
And than ahhh more Dimitri-Rose cuteness. As much as I might not totally love Rose right now, I do like her and Dimitri. They talked a little bit about her mother, about how she let the academy raise Rose so she could still be a guardian and in turn Dimitri talked about being raised in a community and what his father did to his mother and what he in turn did to his father. They also had this amazing moment where Rose was worried about that eventually she won't be pretty again (yeah kinda shallow there, Rose) and though Dimitri didn't say it out loud, he was pretty much screaming to her that she was beautiful. I did love that.


"Wow." I hadn't thought Dimitri could be any cooler, but I was wrong. "You beat up your dad. I mean, that's really horrible... what happened. But, wow. You really are a god."

He sure is. ^^

So what are your thoughts on this chapter?
Let me know!