Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stacking The Shelves #38

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga @ Tynga's Reviews, where you can showcase the books and goodies you bought, borrowed, won, downloaded, received, etc...

Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers #1) by J.A. Redmerski
I bought this because it was on sale. I can't resist sales..

Saving Raphael Santiago (The Bane Chronicles #6) by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan
Part six of the Bane Chrnicles was awesome! One of the best ones so far. I can't believe it's #6 already.

Twisted Lines (Blurred Lines #6) by Breena Wilde
After the ending of the last part I just had to have this one as soon as possible and finally it came on Amazon. Can't wait to read it!

~For Review:
Trust in Me (Wait for You #1.5) by J. Lynn
I still can't believe I have this. So far I'm loving it. Cam's point of view is amazing!
Thanks to William Morrow and Edelweiss!

~For Review:
Dark Duets: All-New Tales of Horror and Dark Fantasy 
Also received this from Edelweiss. Looks pretty good and it has some great authors!
Thanks to Harper Voyager!

Price of a Kiss by Linda Kage
I won this book (which sounds damn good!) via a giveaway from Lisa @ Taste Book Tours
Thanks to Linda Kage!

What books or goodies did you all receive?
Leave me links to your hauls!