Friday, May 30, 2014

Feature & Follow #61

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted on friday by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read to gain new followers and make new friends!


This week's question:
How important is good writing to you? In an ideal world, a book would be beautifully written AND have great character development, plot, etc. But in the real world, which do you prefer: (1) Great characters and plot with lousy writing or (2) Middling character development and plot but gorgeous writing

I thought this question would be pretty tough for me to answer but it actually really isn't. Of course I want great characters and plot AND great writing but if I had to choose between these two I'd pick: middling character development and plot but gorgeous writing.
I'm a huge fan of beautiful writing. If a book is written in a way that's like that I'd love it for sure even if the characters and plot would be mediocre. I just can't stand a book that isn't written well. 

Leave me links to your FF post!
