Monday, January 13, 2014

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge - Day 13: Share a Blogger Horror Story

Hosted by Rachel @ ParaJunkee

This New Year's Challenge sounds like a fun way to kick off the new year!

Share a Blogger Horror Story

I don't really have a blogger horror story. Which is a good thing I guess.
I have heard some bad things from other bloggers though. There's a lot of bullying from both bloggers and authors. I never had anything like this happen to me on my blog or Goodreads but that's something I would never want to happen to me. And the thing is, I don't want to be "afraid" that this will happen. It shouldn't be happening at all to people. Especially not because you have an opinion about something.
Also another thing I don't want happening to me is my blog disappearing. I've heard from other bloggers that this happened to them and I would have a heart attack if that would happen to my blog. Seriously.

How about you?
Do you have a blogger horror story to share?
Let me know!