Saturday, February 15, 2014

Re-readathon: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead ~ Chapter 11

To keep up with our goal of re-reading more of our favorite books and re-discover them we created this challenge to help accomplish that goal. We will be reading one chapter each day and also doing a blog post about the chapter, going into detail about each chapter in the book. 
We decided to re-read Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead first.
Co-hosted by Christina @ Booksane and me!

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1) by Richelle Mead
Paperback, 332 pages
Published August 16th 2007 by Razorbill

St. Vladimir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school—it’s a hidden place where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, a bodyguard for her best friend Lissa, a Moroi Vampire Princess. They’ve been on the run, but now they’re being dragged back to St. Vladimir’s—the very place where they’re most in danger...

Rose and Lissa become enmeshed in forbidden romance, the Academy’s ruthless social scene, and unspeakable nighttime rituals. But they must be careful lest the Strigoi—the world’s fiercest and most dangerous vampires—make Lissa one of them forever.

Chapter Eleven:

  • page 137 - 155
  • First sentence: 
"You need something to wear?" Lissa asked.

*spoiler alert*

The chapter starts out pretty good with announcing that there's an assembly where the queen will come. But before that we get some Rose-Dimitri training action. Here you start to really so the chemistry and sparks between them. Also here's the first time Rose admits to herself to having a crush on him. The thing I like about this budding romance is how it's no insta-love at all. It's a slow growing crush that eventually turn into full on love. And the forbidden part makes it only that much more delicious. So yeah the training was pretty hot with Dimitri pinning Rose down. And kind of funny how even attacking Dimitri from behind doesn't give Rose the opportunity to get a punch in. 
The next part of the chapter is really all about the assembly. The queen comes and talks to Lissa and as we know is kind of a bitch to her. It just all kind of makes me smile because I know what's coming eventually. But anyway... of course Lissa is upset about it. I'd be too. I actually felt sorry for her. Afterwards Rose and Lissa are outside and of course Mia has to come and be a total bitch like usual. It's so strange to see how childish and bitchy she is now and how much she'll eventually change. I think if Dimitri hadn't come out, Rose would've slapped the hell out of her. And then one of my least favorite Rose moments happened with her lying to Christian (who wanted to go to Lissa) about how Lissa thinks he's a stalker and what not. This is one of those moments where also Rose can be a total bitch and I really dislike her for it. But then again, she's only trying to protect Lissa. Sigh.
Also just noticed we're about in the middle of the book already! =D


When I arrived at the gym, I noticed he was wearing a T-shirt and loose running pants, as apposed to his usual jeans. It was a good look for him. Really good. Stop looking, I immediately told myself.

So what are your thoughts on this chapter?
Let me know!