Throwback Thursday is a bookish meme hosted every two weeks by me and Christina @ Booksane where we feature books that we've read in the past but are still crazy about. It could be a book you read as a child and still remember and love or maybe just a book that you haven't read in a long time and want to show your love for.
Each week we'll be featuring a new random question to answer!
Dates from Hell by Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong and Lori Handeland

1. Undead in the Garden of Good and Evil by Kim Harrison - Ivy and vampire Art are partners on homicide case for Inderland Security.
2. The Claire Switch Project by Lynsay Sands - Claire, new shapeshifter, accepts dates for school reunion with crush Kyle and his sister Jill.
3. Chaotic by Kelley Armstrong - Half-demon Hope is sent to museum gala by mentor Tristan to catch werewolf thief Karl Marsten.
4. Dead Man Dating by Lori Handeland - On their first date, Kit goes too far with Eric, shot by bystander Chavez, then wakes to no blood, no body.
Okay... this book? It's one of my all-time favorites. I can't express how much I love it. The short stories are sexy, well-written and just damn awesome. Chaotic by Kelley Amrstrong was my favorite because it was my first introduction to Kelley's Otherworld series AND Karl Marsten. Ever since I've always been crazy about Karl. Second favorite was the story by Kim Harrison because it's also one of my favorite series and I just love Ivy. Also, Kisten was in it if I remember correctly.
“Death and blood didn’t turn on a vampire. Fear and the chance to take blood did. There was a difference.”
Question of this week:
Now it's gonna get dirty... show us your bookmarks!
I have way way waaaaay more bookmarks but these are my favorites! =)
Next question (August 7):
Share a sentence or two from the book you're currently reading
If you'd like to participate in Throwback Thursday you can add your post to the linky below.