Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge - Day 1: Blogger Resolutions

Hosted by Rachel @ ParaJunkee

This New Year's Challenge sounds like a fun way to kick off the new year!

Happy 2014 everyone!

1. Accepting less review requests
I have to admit in 2013 I went a little crazy with all the books for review I accepted. This year I definitely want to take that down a notch, aside from the usual authors I review for. I am open for new review request BUT I'll probably be accepting a lot less and more reading the books that I still have sitting on my shelves. My poor neglected books.

2. Reading less short stories
Okay, this might be more of a reader resolution than a blogger one but what the hell. I read a lot of short stories in 2013, even ones that were ridiculously short. And I don't know... I think I've grown kind of sick of them. Of course I will read some short stories if they're from series that I love but probably way less this year.

3. Comment more on other blogs
I feel like I'm kind of bad at commenting on other people's blog aside from the few that I consider my blogging buddies. So I'd like to do that more and make more blogger friends that way.

4. Re-read more books
Another reader resolution. This will probably be the hardest for me because I have a hard time re-reading books. But I will try my best to do more of that this year. Maybe even try to come up with a meme for this. If something like it doesn't already excist. Suggestions are welcome!

How about you?
Do you have any blogger/reader resolutions?
Let me know!


  1. I used to host a challenge called Read Me, Baby, One More Time, but I just don't re-read like I used to. I like the idea of you hosting a feature or challenge! Commenting is at the top of my resolutions too, so hopefully we'll both do better in 2014!

  2. I was surprised by the re-read books... I am always so eager for the next new book I have a hard time re-reading! Good luck with your resolutions. Have a great new year. Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

  3. I read a ridiculous amount of short stories last year too - especially those "in between" and "prequel" shorts so many series do now on the Kindle :sigh: And I definitely want to re-read more! I miss some of my old favorites!

  4. Nice resolutions, I'm guilty of the accepting to many books for review too.

  5. Great lists. I have stopped accepting review books for now. Its hard but I realized I needed to

  6. Great list!
    So excited for our re-read of VA! ^^

  7. #1 is on my list too - there are so many good books that I want to read and I just don't have time for them all!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. I actually love short stories, though I HATE anthologies. I just can't read short stories back to back. It takes too much energy to try to dive into a whole new world and whole new characters. Novels are good for that. I know that I have a few hundred pages of the same setting and characters. I don't have to try to figure out what is going on.

    I tried reading one short story a week last year. It was a lot. I think I'm going to cut back like you on them. They're much better in short doses.

  9. I also plan to accept less review requests. The last two semesters have been really hectic for me, and I wasn't able to keep up with my review pile as well I have in the past! I also want to comment on more book blogs as well. I haven't been good with that either.

    Great resolutions!

    Kris @Imaginary Reads

  10. Accepting review books is one I got to work on too. Although mine isn't so much as accepting as it was requesting last year. Time to tone it down. Great goals! Happy New Year!


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