Welcome to my stop of the blog tour for Savor by Kate Evangelista!
I just want to say that I'm really glad I've been able to review this book for this tour. I really enjoyed the book. :)
Now scroll down for my review and giveaway!
Title: Savor
Author: Kate Evangelista
Series: Vicious Feast #1
Publication: December 2, 2013 by Crescent Moon Press
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository
Cover Rating: 3/5
Overall Rating: 4/5
Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.

Mature and explicit content. Not recommended for readers below 18-years-old. Yup, you've got to be that old to read my story. Consider yourself warned.
I’m Dakota Collins, a tough talking, eye patch wearing, workaholic photography student. Why am I important? Well, maybe because I get to spend an entire month with Vicious, only the sickest indie rock band out there.
You see, I needed a subject for my Spring Showcase introspective in order to graduate. During a chance encounter at a club I’d been sent to cover for the Daily Gossip, our ironically named college paper, the features writer I usually teamed up with introduced me to the band—by accident, I might add. It involved a run in with a scary, bald bodyguard. Anyway, long story short, I signed a contract to take pictures of Vicious.
I should have known their handsome yet way too serious for his own good bassist, Luka Visraya, wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself. He’s gorgeous and all, but the way he smiles spelled trouble with a capital L. I’m in for a long month with him around.
Crazy shit happens and then some. So, if you want the skinny on Vicious and the events revolving around my stay at Lunar Manor, read my story.
Again, refer to the warning above.
~My Thoughts:
I decided to read this book for the blog tour basically because I liked Taste, which is not a part of the series but it does feature a lot of the characters from that book, like Phoenix, Demitri, Dray, Yana and of course Luka but not the main character. Do you have to read Taste to read Savor? No, but it's nice to have read about these characters when they were younger.
I really, really liked this book. I actually liked it more than Taste to be honest. Is it because Kate's books are getting better or because it's an adult novel? I have no idea. Maybe a little bit of both. There's a huge difference between both books but I enjoyed Savor way more. I liked the main character, Dakota. I loved getting to know the other characters all over again and I loved the story and writing.
Dakota has definitely grown into one of my favorite female characters of all time. She has an eye patch, people! Yes, it's obvious she's been through really bad stuff, things that haven't been revealed except in some sort of dream/memory things but it's still cool that Dakota's character isn't perfect in the physical sense with the way she only has one eye and those awful scars. Aside from that she's just plain awesome and I love how she's really her own person with a lot of confidence and basically says, 'here I am? Don't like it? Screw you.' I love that about her.
And Luka? Oh my rock god! He was delicious. I have to admit he was very different from the person he was in Taste but it seems like they have all changed. It's normal I guess, since four years have past but it's still a bit to take in. It also left me a little bit confused as to what happened to get them from the end of Taste (and everything that happened in that book) to Savor. Also with knowing Taste, I had expected more paranormal aspects since I know what the characters are. The paranormal aspect did came, although it was very minor but it was a huge twist. But this book was so awesome overall that all that stuff I was confused about didn't really matter as much. But anyway, Luka... Much much love for him.
Hot, funny and so entertaining, Savor by Kate Evangelista made for a great read. I really enjoyed reading this book and I must say that I think it's this author's best book so far (of the ones I have read). If you're looking for a fun book that's fast-paced with awesome writing, you definitely need to read it. Oh and it has Luka. You'll definitely want to read Savor!
Favorite Quotes:
Sometimes I think I'd make the perfect Bond villain. I already had the eye patch. All I needed now was the perfect motivation to take over the world. And a white Persian cat.
Three hours in a car with Luka? Inhaling all that sexy couldn't be good for me, could it?
"Dray's our resident mad scientist." Luka grinned, clear affection for his cousin in his tone.
"When he's not pounding sick beats on the skins, he's in his lab."
"Like Dexter," Dray added.
I could only hope he'd meant the boy scientist and not the serial killer.
About The Author:
When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today she lives in the Philippines and writes full time.
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