Today I have an interview for you all that I did with Chris Everheart!
Thanks again, Chris!
1. What or who inspires you to write?
I’m not sure. The way I think of it, I have consumed stories my whole life – TV, movies, books, magazines, in-person – that eventually I had just crammed so much in that something had to come out. When I look at the world and what’s going on around me, I tend to think in stories and add or embellish on what I see and hear. So writing – in order to tell stories – is sort of a compulsion. A healthy one, I hope!
2. Which character (in any of your books) would you say was the most interesting to create?
The character Larry in The Delphi Trilogy has been most interesting. His evolution from a sort of bit player in my concept of the Book I: The League of Delphi to such a major influence – and someone completely different than we originally saw him – in Book III: The Delphi Revelation has been fascinating to witness. I almost feel like he created himself through the writing of the series and I just wrote down what happened with him.
3. Where do you prefer to do your writing?
A great feature of the magical technology we have these days is that I can take almost my entire office anywhere – in the form of my laptop computer. I have a short attention span, little tolerance for routine, and a basic discomfort with being “too alone”. So it helps me a lot that I can work at home alone in my office then pick up and go to a coffee shop then sit in a hotel room when I’m traveling or go to the library. I feel like I can work just about anywhere and don’t have a general preference.
4. What three books would you recommend people to read?
Ancient: "The Tao Te Ching" – a short book that when sincerely and quietly contemplated can change the way one looks at the world.
Classic: “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens has become my favorite book – and I’d say read it slowly and repeatedly and pay attention to all the themes that are touched on in the book. It’s not just a Christmas story. It’s an exploration of a wide range of supernatural and deeply human themes.
Modern: “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie. An gentle exploration of how we think and a simple way to challenge every thought in a way that can transform one’s life.
5. If you could have any superpower at all, what would it be?
In his memoir “Born Standing Up”, Steve Martin relates a rhetorical question asked by one of his comedy-writer friends regarding the classic crime fighter character "The Shadow":
“If you had the power of invisibility, what would you do … fight crime?”
6. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Try anything – once.
7. Anything else you'd like to share?
I write books for young readers because I connect so well with the challenges and pains of growing up. So basically I’m writing stories to my younger self. As a childhood underachiever, I want kids at least to learn how to read and comprehend and be excited about learning – if not about getting good grades. My ability to read and understand and explore through books (as well as through personal experience) is responsible for most of my personal development. No matter how bad things seem, we have the power to remake our lives – and the wisdom and information to do that can be found in books.
About the Author:

Check out my review of his book Seti's Charm here!
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