Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stacking The Shelves #49

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted @ Tynga's Reviews, to showcase the books you received.

2 signed copies of My Name is Rapunzel by K.C. Hilton + Swag!
Look at the pretties! A huge thank you to K.C. for being so kind to send me this. I was originally planning on giving one of these copies away on my blogoversary but since I didn't receive it after it was already going I decided to just hold a seperate christmas giveaway for it. I will be also putting some of the swag in the giveaway. It starts on the 24th! :)

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
Jenn from Book Bird Reviews gifted this to me! So I'm already having a kick-ass birthday and Christmas! We'll be doing a buddy read of this in 2014. Thanks, Jenn! :D

Storm Warning by E. Lee & C. Quinn
I got this because it was only .99 on Amazon + I love Caisey Quinn's books! I haven't read any of the other author but I'm sure this book will be amazing.

For Review:
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings
I heart nothing but amazing things about this book so I couldn't resist when I saw it on Edelweiss.

What can I say? I can't resist books by this author and definitely not in this series.

What books did you all receive?
Leave me links to your hauls!