Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted on friday by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read to gain new followers and make new friends!
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ACTIVITY: Write a letter to your favorite character. Rant, rave or gush…just pretend like they are real and you just want to let them know a “few things”. – Activity courtesy of author, Kelly Walker
Dear Artemis Fowl,
You were one of my first favorite characters ever. Your books got me through my mid teenage life. Don't let it get to your head, though. I should also credit your author, the genius that is Eoin Colfer. Yes, you are a genius too, Artie. Though I keep wondering if you will have any more fairy adventures with Holly, Butler, Mulch, Foaly and everyone else. I even miss little Beckett and Myles. How are your little brothers doing? Good, I hope. I was so crushed when Eoin decided to end your series. I am still thinking about it a lot. How could it end like that? I wonder, did you ever get your full memory back? What happened next? So many questions. I might never find out but until I do, thanks for being such an amazing character and boy genius.