Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day ~ My Top Ten Favorite Romance Novels ♥

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Here are ten of my favorite romance novels. Obviously I had to cut a lot of amazing books but I managed to pick ten. 
They're a mix of different genres and ordered randomly.

                           Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward   

I read Lover Awakened over four years ago but it's still one of my top favorite books ever. I also loved the first two books but this one has a special place in my heart because I totally loved Zsadist. I also never read beyond this book. But I really should start on the next one sometime soon. It's been way too long!

     The Fault in our Stars by John Green             

Of course I had to add this one! TFIOS is probably the book that got me into the contemporary YA genre. Before it I wasn't a real big fan of it. But anyway... I love this book, even though it made me cry. It such a powerful read and the writing is gorgeous. 

                 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen   

Another one that I just HAD to add. I read this not to long ago for the first time, actually (back in November) and ended up loving it to bits and pieces. I loved it so much that I bought Evie Seo's Mr. Darcy Mug on Society6. It's so gorgeous!

       Deep Blue Eternity by Natasha Boyd

This book was just everything and more! It's my favorite book by this author and I can't express enough how freaking amazing it was. A line from my review: it really felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. 
So I think that says enough. ;)

                           Every Day by David Levithan

Oh gosh, this book... I have SO much love for it. At the time I read it, back in 2014, it was so unique from other books I had read and it still is. It's what made me love David Levithan and to this day I'm kind of obsessed with his books. I also really liked Another Day, which was Every Day but written in Rhiannon's point of view.

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

This book and author introduced me to dark romance and I have loved this genre ever since. This author really is a phenomenon. Tears of Tess is still my favorite (the whole Monsters in the Dark trilogy is actually). I love Tess and I absolutely love Q! I'm also so excited for Je Suis à Toi to come out in May! 

         Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Another amazingly epic series that I've loved for years. I first picked this up back when I first joined Goodreads back in 2011 because I kept seeing people rave about these books and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Cat and Bones are seriously some of the best characters ever. And I loved how their story started in this book.

    Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

This was my first Colleen Hoover book and it was right away a hit with me. I loved it so much and can I just say how freaking excited I am about the upcoming movie of it with Nick Bateman. ♥

Girl With Guitar by Caisey Quinn

This book first introduced me to the New Adult genre, which still is one of my favorites. It also made me love country music a lot. Caisey Quinn is such a great author, I love all the books I've read by her. Girl With Guitar holds a special place in my heart, though. 

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

I used to be so obsessed with this book. Back when I didn't know of many new releases and had to reread my books over and over again. But seriously... how amazing is The Host? Wanda and Ian are everything! 

So that's my top ten!
Have you read any of these books? What romance novels would you recommend for Valentine's Day?