Author: Thomas L. Hay
Publication: October 3rd 2012 by Balboa Press
Format: Paperback, 173 pages
Cover Rating: 2/5
Overall Rating: 4/5
Copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Who are the abductors? Where do they come from? Where are they hiding? Do they even exist? Reality or imagination gone wild?
After writing his memoirs, the author suspected he may have some mysterious phenomenon buried within his subconscious. His first wife had claimed that they had been abducted (by aliens)during their marriage. The abductions were revealed to her after they had separated and she adopted an ascetic lifesyle. This melted her implanted memory blocks installed by the abductor's. He never believed her. He suspected she just had a fertile imagination. He was more concerned with putting his life back together after the devestating divorce.
But after writing his memoirs, he asked himself "what if she had been right?" There was only one way to find the truth. He adopted the same ascetic liftsyle. O-M-G. He had to rewrite his memoirs.
An Abduction Revelation is an intriguing and entertaining adventure based on some true life events of the author. It is a journey filled with mystery, romance, heartbreak, and revelations that will mystify, torment, and tickle your reality.
~My Thoughts:
First of all I want to say I love that the author has signed my book. So I want to send a thank you his way!
So this book... Wow! It was kind of mind blowing. It was a very intriguing and fascinating read that I read quickly in less than a day. I was surprised myself when I found myself unable to stop reading and before I knew it the story was over.
An Abduction Revelation is based on true events of the life of Thomas L. Hay. The first thing I noticed about this book was how much I loved the writing. This isn't my usual genre, although I love anything sciencefiction related so it was definitely a new experience for me. But, gosh, the writing was amazing. I loved the way Thomas described everything. Seriously good writing here, people!
At some point this book takes a huge turn and turns all sci-fi and just amazing. This would make an awesome movie by the way. Though I have to say I don't think this book will be liked by everyone. To me, personally, it comes easy because I love these kind of stories and always have been intrigued by alien abductions and such. To find out for yourself I suggest you just read the book and make up your own mind. For me this book was fab! And it took me totally by surprise. It took me a while to get to it due to life getting in the way but I am so glad I finally read it. One of the best books so far this year for sure!
~About the author:
Thomas L. Hay, raised in Clinton, Missouri. Graduate of the 1961 Senior High class. Published memoirs "The Comeback Kid" in 2011. Retired from American/TWA and resides in Lake Waukomis, Missouri. Die-hard sports nut. He is married to Karen "the love of his life". He puts up with hyperactive squirrel's, irrritating geese and a cranky old catfish.
Find him also on:
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