Friday, August 31, 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up — August 2018

I can't believe it's the last day of August already. I'm not sad though because this month wasn't the best for me reading wise (although I did read some great books) and personaly I didn't have the best month in general either with my beloved bunny dying one month ago today and feeling unwell with medical issues so here's to hoping September will be much better. Now until December I'm going to focus mostly on my physical books. I have so many unread. I'll still read an e-book here and there if something pops up that I really want to read or book for review but just not as much as in August. And of course I'll still be listening to some audiobooks too (especially now that I have discovered Scribd. Do you know it? It's awesome!) Also, I'm so looking forward to autumn. Bring it on!

On a side note: I've finished rereading the entire Artemis Fowl series now and will do a blog post about my experience soon where I will talk about which books are my favorite (they all are my favorite pretty much but some stick out for me) and how it has been for me rereading one book in the series each month since January. I'm looking forward to it!

The book I've read in August:

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells — 2/5
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh by David Baxandall — 4/5
(audiobook) When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon — 2/5

The Other Wind by Ursula Le Guin — 4/5
The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick — 4/5★ {Review}
The Glass Butterfly by A.G. Howard — 4/5★ {Review to come}

What Your Soul Already Knows by Salma Farook — 5/5★ {Review to come}
The Cygnus Key by Adrew Collins — 4/5
Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer — 5/5

(audiobook) How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather — 3/5

Favorite book of the month:

We live life like automatons, moving with reckless inattentiveness through the preset motions. We have lost touch with our inner selves, the self that has all the answers, that is imbued with the natural balance of joy and productivity. What have we forgotten? What have we lost to this mechanical lifestyle?

The secrets to joy, aren’t secrets at all. They aren’t being whispered. You are just not listening loudly enough to the wisdom of your inner voice.

This book is a reminder to listen.

It is a detailed exploration of elements such as personal qualities, interpersonal skills and healthy habits that make up the path to intuitive happiness and productivity.

What Your Soul Already Knows by Salma Farook was a most unexpected book. It really blew me away and I can't wait to share my review with you all soon. It's scheduled to post on Monday.

What was your favorite book of August?

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Review: The Dutch East India Company: A History From Beginning to End by Hourly History

Title: The Dutch East India Company: A History From Beginning to End
Author: Hourly History
Publication: October 17th 2017

Genre: Nonfiction, History
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Rating: 3/5

The Dutch East India Company
* * *Download for FREE on Kindle Unlimited + Free BONUS Inside!* * *

Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet.

Once valued at close to seven trillion dollars by today’s standards, the Dutch East India Company, formed in 1602, became the world’s first multinational corporation. In the nearly 200-year reign of their empire at sea, the Dutch East India Company amassed unfathomable fortunes, laid the foundation of the modern globalized world, and built monopolies that controlled the economy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe and the East Indies.

Inside you will read about...
✓ The Superstructure of the VOC
✓ The Growth of VOC’s Colonies and Trade Routes
✓ The Golden Age
✓ Reorientation and the Expansion Age
✓ The Great Wars and Conquests of the VOC
✓ Decline and Fall
And much more!

The rich history of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie commonly referred to as the VOC, and its titanic exploits are as astonishing as the twelve labors of Hercules. Uncover the organization that in no small part built the world we live in from the ground up.

I very randomly decided to read this book because I needed something short to read on the train while commuting and I'm glad I did so. I can't say it's my favorite Hourly History book because this isn't the kind of history that interests me the most or that I know a lot of but I did think it was a decent read and some aspects were very fascinating to read about.

Before reading this book I knew absolutely nothing about The Dutch East India Company. I've always liked the age of exploration but I've always been told about countries like England, Spain and Portugal and not about Holland at all, which is really odd considering I live in Belgium. You'd think I'd have heard more about all that.

I was very surprised to learn that when The Dutch East India Company was at it's high point in its time it was more successful than companies like Apple in this time and day. If that doesn't blow your mind, I don't know what will. So the little facts like that were interesting to learn and read about. The chapter of The Golden Age was my probably my favorite.

Overall, The Dutch East India Company: A History From Beginning to End by Hourly History was a short read that I easily read in 30-ish minutes. I think people who are particularly interested in this topic will enjoy it a bit more but I still thought it was a fascinating topic and good read.

Check out my other Hourly History reviews:

More Hourly History reviews to come soon!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Book Blast: The Jinni's Last Wish by Zenobia Neil

The Jinni's Last Wish by Zenobia Neil

Publication Date: September 13, 2018
eBook; 283 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy
As a eunuch in the Ottoman Imperial Harem, Olin has already lost his home, his freedom, and his manhood. His only wish is for a painless death, until he meets Dark Star, a beautiful odalisque who promises to give him his deepest desire. He refuses to believe her claim to possess a jinni in a bottle. But when Dark Star is accused of witchcraft, Olin rubs the bottle in desperation and discovers she’s told the truth. Olin becomes the jinni’s master to save Dark Star, but it's not enough. In the complex world of the Topkapi Palace, where silk pillows conceal knives, sherbets contain poison, and jewels buy loyalty, no one is safe. With each wish, Olin must choose between becoming like the masters he detests or risk his life, his body, and his sanity to break the bonds that tie them all.

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Chapters

About the Author

Zenobia Neil was named after an ancient warrior queen who fought against the Romans. She writes about the mythic past and Greek and Roman gods having too much fun. Zenobia spends her free time imagining interesting people and putting them in terrible situations. She lives with her husband, two children, and dog in an overpriced hipster neighborhood of Los Angeles. Visit her at

Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Book Blast Schedule

Monday, August 27 
Passages to the Past 

Tuesday, August 28 
Creating Herstory 

Wednesday, August 29 
Bookfever {ME!}

Thursday, August 30 
100 Pages a Day The Book Junkie Reads 

Friday, August 31 
A Chick Who Reads 

Sunday, September 2 
Clarissa Reads it All 

Monday, September 3 
Historical Fiction with Spirit 

Tuesday, September 4 
Ageless Pages Reviews 

Wednesday, September 5 
Pursuing Stacie 

Thursday, September 6 
CelticLady's Reviews Just One More Chapter 

Friday, September 7 
Donna's Book Blog

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Review: The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick

Title: The Demon Race
Author: Alexandria Warwick
Publication: September 18th 2018 by Wolf Publishing

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Purchase Links: Amazon 

Rating: 4/5

A race across the desert.

An unimaginable prize.

It occurs once every thousand years: the Demon Race. A test of will and strength, it is a race across the Saraj, a fight for the prize of a lifetime. And it is the key to Namali Hafshar’s freedom.

When shy, seventeen-year-old Namali learns of her arranged marriage, she flees home and enters the Demon Race for the chance to change her fate. But to compete, she must cross the Saraj on a daeva, a shadow demon that desires its own reward: to infect her soul with darkness.

Namali soon learns the desert holds more dangers than meets the eye. The only person she can trust is Sameen, a kind competitor seeking his own destiny. As her affection for him grows, however, so too does the darkness in her heart.

In this race of men and demons, only one can win. But the price of winning might be more than Namali is willing to pay.

When I read the synopsis of The Demon Race I just knew it was something I had to read. A race that occurs every thousand years with a wish as its price, a desert fantasy inspired by the Middle East, a young heroine fleeing her arranged marriage by entering the race, and of course demons. Yasss!

Another surprising thing with this book was that some parts were quite dark and it was definitely something that actually makes you think. Especially in the way of how a lot of women still don't have a voice and the author definitely did a great job on slowly giving Namali (the heroine of the story) more power and self confidence to decide her own life and future. 

Let's talk about the author's writing next. It. Was. Gorgeous. I think most people know that I'm a sucker for a book with beautiful writing that also has exquisite detailing. And that is just what this story had so that was just another amazingly possitive thing for me. I couldn't get enough of it. Also, the action-packed scenes were heart stopping and very well written too. I loved those!

I'm also going to address the romance because I think most readers would like to know a little about that. Namali does meet someone she grew close to but it wasn't necessarily a romance heavy book. At first he's more of an ally and friend than anything else. There's a little romance, which I really loved. But the story focused mostly on Namali's personal journey and of course the dangers of the race. 

Overall, The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick was definitely one of the biggest surprises of the year. I had expected to like it for sure because I adore these kind of books but I didn't expect it to be as compelling and addictive as it was. It's a book I'll definitely be recommending to all my bookish friends for months to come.

About the author:
Alexandria Warwick is the #1 fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The Demon Race is her first novel.
Website | Instagram | Goodreads

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Stacking The Shelves: August 25, 2018

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ Tynga's Reviews & Reading Reality.

A small haul this week. :)
Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas

For Review:
In Another Time by Jillian Cantor

Happy reading, everyone! ♥

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Book Blitz: Private D*ck by Kat Savano + Giveaway (INTL)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway below to win 5 x ebook copies of Private D*ck + $10 Amazon gift card. Open internationally!

Private D*ck
Kat Savano
Publication date: August 22nd 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

It was supposed to be fun times in Vegas with the girls.
Drinks, shows, maybe losing a little money, and okay…maybe a little action too.
I’m down for it all when I’m shocked to spot the hottest hotshot lawyer from my firm. Benjamin Barker.
In Vegas. At the same time.
As me.
My mind whirled with possibilities, none of them good.
All of them leading to trouble.
He’s not here for long. He’s got a big case – and that’s not the only thing that’s big about the man.
He’s got some investigating to do to make his case in court.
And I’ve got a crush on the man.
A crush on the man that ends with us in a suite called the Kingpin suite. This cannot be good.
But what woman would deny something that feels so very, very good?
I’ll tell you one thing.
Not me.
I may cry later. I may regret it in the morning. I may want some “kingpin” to kill the bastard tomorrow. But right now, we’re in a suite. In Vegas. Together. In private.
And I’m all in.
GirlsGone Wild. Well,that was how I thought of it as we landed in dazzling Las Vegas. I was a little nervous though, because it was one of the first times I’d traveledoutside of the Big Apple. By plane at least. Most other trips had taken place in cars, motorhomes, oh, and once on a motorcycle. That was a day to remember, andat the same time,it was a day I wanted to forget in equal measure. As we waited to get to our destination, Michaela and Donna chatted away like two raving lunatics. Drinking on the plane wasn’t the best thing to do, in my opinion. Going to the bathroom every couple of minutes was bad enough, especially when you got there with your legs crossed and the sign said, “Engaged.”
I was busy thinking of the motorcycle trip. Travis said to hold on tight. That was never something he needed to doubt… because I was absolutely, fully, desperately petrified. He wrongly mistook this as affection, rather than me hanging on from the fear of falling off, and I had quite-literally been terrified about rolling down the street like a tumbleweed in a gale. Even now, I get shivers down my spine when I think about how scary it was.
I looked up and came back into reality. The smiling hostess said we were free to leave the plane. I put my hand on Donna’s shoulder as we exited the busy sea of people. “Have a nice trip and enjoy your stay,” the hostess said as I reached the front door and the tunnel.
How polite and well-dressed they were in their flashy, yellow, safety jackets. I was actually impressed. We walked through the terminal and made our way toward the security desks. There was a bit of a line. However,they couldn’t be too careful with all the terrible things going on in the world. Terrorism had made life hard for every traveler in the sky.
As we walked through the terminal,I looked aboveme. They’ddone a magnificent job of advertising Las Vegas, while not making the airport appear trashy. Above where we walked there was a mural of all things associated with the tinsel town. It looked glorious, fabulous even. I guessed it was based on a nineteen-sixties design and had all the big casino names and stars of that incredibleera. Frank Sinatra, Elvis —I’m all shookup, and the piano god himself, Liberace.
I stood with my toes on the exactedge of the yellow line as the instruction said to do. I always liked rules. You couldn’t go wrong if you knew what was expected of you. I waited patiently as Donna slid her passport to the friendlysecurity man who sat in his small cubicle. Donna leaned on her elbow and twirled her gum around her finger.
My turn. I skipped excitedly to the guard and handed him my identification. I clamped my hands together and smiled. I hoped that traveling nerves didn’traise their suspicion, or they might’ve thought I’d smuggled something.
“Business or pleasure?” he asked as he scanned my face.
“All pleasure. It’s my first big trip out of New York, unless you count the time on a motorcycle, and…” I said, cutting myself short. I realized there was still a line of people also waiting behind the yellow line.
“Come on will you!” Donna yelled.
I smiled at the security guard. “BFF, you know what they’re like. Overexcitedand keen to hit the Strip, as I suppose you call it around here.”
“Have a nice trip.” He looked at my ID. “Sienna,” he replied, sliding my ID back under the glass.
I jogged as quickly as I could with my travel luggage wobbling from one wheel to the next. We stepped on the travellator and made our way to get our luggage.
“What number of roundthing are we at?” Michaela asked.
Donna laughed. “Carousel.”
A flash of color appeared before us as we reached the top of the escalator that led to the baggage claim. It wasn’t understated by a long chalky line. Gold, backlit stars sat on grey metallic paneling that were situated to the sides of a broadyellow Welcome To,and underneath were massivered and yellow letters that only spelled one thing. Allin caps… LAS VEGAS. As if anyone wouldn’t know where they were at this point of their holiday.
Michaela looked at me in a playful, but stern manner. “Okay,Miss Smarty Pants, just cause youse heducatedan’ all that,” she replied, in the worst, possible, fake accent I’d ever heard.
I stood leaning on the handle of the cart. MichaelaandDonna sat waiting for our cases to pop from the big hole in the wall. Donna threw her arms into the air like a soccer player who’d missed an important goal. She hated waiting for anything, even coffee.
As we waited,I looked around and up. The enormousconcrete columns reached high to the roof and must have been (approximately)forty or fifty feet. It was at that point that I stood in awe, with my head craned upward and looking at each of the bluey-white lights that shone around each column. The color scheme all had a tint of blue or gray. Shiny gray tiles (two-tone) with a mottled effect, polished stainless steel, and all the signage which mostly looked like blue neon. One thing stood out from the blue and silver theme. I turned my head and noticed a flash of red and white. Wow!
“Hey girls. Look up!” Donna and Michaela ignored meentirely.
I stood underneath a plane that hung from the ceiling. Typical, it was to advertise. “The Hacienda Hotel.”
“Yes! Here we go,” Donna squealed as our cases magically came one after the other. That was very surprising. I thought we might have had to wait until near the end. That must be so painful, the thought your case might be left back in the city.
As we ambled closer to the luggage desk, I noticed other things that increased in numbers. The airport was home to a seriousamount of slot machines. I wonder how many people have lost big time, without even leaving the airport?
We walked to the Nothing to Declare,green light. I had nothing in my case to actually declare, butI still had that feeling of apprehension. What if someone had tampered and slipped something inside? One of those harmfuldrugs… or something desperately illegal.
“Excuse me, Ma’am,” the luggage checker said as I started walking through the gate.
“Yes!” I squealed ina mouse-likevoice.
“Can I check your bags please?” he said. I gave a nod to signal my permission.
He walked from behind the counter and lifted my case onto the countertop. He asked me for the combination, soI gave it to himwithout attempting to open it myself. I stood watching with clammy hands. He openedthe case and folded back the top half. I watched nervously as he rummaged through my clothes. I closed my eyes.
No! Not my underwear, please.
The guard gave a cough. I sensed that was a signal of some kind, and then he pushed his hand inside my panties pile. Oh boy,that’s a first. Airport security hadtheir hands inside your panties before you left the airport. Weird.
Donna and Michaela stood inside the sliding doors and waited there. Donna looked annoyed, as per usual. I guessed it was rather hot outside. The sun streamed through the doors, and as I got there after my weird search by the bag guy, we all slipped our sunglasses over our eyes.
The doors parted, andit was hot, sweltering hot. “My word, it’s warm,” I said.
Donna huffed as she fought to stand her case on its end. She sat and slumped her shoulders in half-defeat. “You mean it’s freakin’ hot! Just say it, Sienna. Christ, sometimes you can be so naïve.”
“Donna… Donna… Donna. You know we shouldn’t use a wordlike that.”
Donna stood and spread her arms. “Fuck it, woman, we’re in Vegas.”
I looked over my shoulder and bowed my head a little. I was slightly embarrassed at her gung-hoattitude. I’d hoped this trip wasn’t going to be a mistake. First real vacation and my friends ruin it for me. I hoped not. They could be selfish, sometimes. I didn’t really understand why.
Michaela waved a cabbie who pulled up. The cabbie opened the trunk and squeezed our cases into the back. “Where you going?” he asked. I turned to Donna and Michaela. I saw they had no idea what the name of the place was.
I shook my head and tutted under my breath. “The Queen’s Hand.”
“Nice place. It’s not the largest place in the world, but it’s got everything you girls will need,” the cab driver explained, politely.
Donna leaned on the front seat. “Mister, you know if it’s got a pool?” He gave no answer as he sang to a Jamaican-inspired song on the radio. I don’t think he heard her, to be honest.
The cab pulled out from the airport and headed down the Strip. Hechatted with Donna as her lips smacked while she lovingly chewed on her gum. I heard him say the motel had a rooftoppool, which was convenient. One elevator ride from the second floor to the roof, and all that sunbathing. I imagined us all sipping on exotic cocktails while tanning and relaxing.
I leaned my head against the window and looked at all the obscure motels and casinos we passed as we made our way to Fremont Street. I’d done some research, andThe Queen’s Hand was the top end of motelsthat wasn’t on the Las Vegas Strip. If it hadn’t been for the fact we gained a significantdiscount,we might’ve ended up nowhere near the hub of activity at all.
“No more Tanby and Tanby for a while. I can forget all that number crunching,” I said to Michaela.
“Why did you go into accounting in the first place? You gotta admit, it’s not very girly, isit?Look at Donna. She’s the epitome of femininity, and she has the perfect job to show it off.”
I sat with a really puzzled expression on my face when I turned to look at Michaela and answer. “Donna works in a shoe store.”
“What was that?” Donna said, turning her head from chatting with the cabbie.
I smiled at her. “Nothing, we were just commenting on how feminine you are.”
Donna smacked her lips in response and finished by blowing me a kiss. “Yeah-right! I come from the Bronx, you think I’m gonna be ladylike?”
Michaela turned to me and smiled. “What did I tell you? What an absolute lady.”
The cab pulled to the front of The Queen’s Hand. A valet opened the trunk and pulled out the cases and loaded them onto a cart. With a wide smile, he wheeled them through the front door of the motel.
We stood and looked at the frontage. It was very-much understated because it was right onthe corner. The entrance sat under a golden-litcanopy with the words emblazoned like sequins. It looked amazing as each letter twinkled with silver, sparkling lights.
“I have to say. The service is excellent. How helpful theyall are,” I said as we walked toward the foyer.
Immediately, I saw that the inside was a little more glamorous, a blast from the past, in a way. White marble floors that were in layedwith smaller ebony colors at the corner of the floor tiles. The counter appeared to be real cream marble, and it had decorative circles embellished down the full length of it. I then looked up. The ceiling was covered in mirrors and lights.
We checked in and found out that we were, in fact, booked in on the second floor. The valet wheeled the cart to the elevator and smiled politely as he walked us to the room. He slid the key in the lock and pushed open the door.
Donna entered first, as usual, and it made sense because she’d always been the assertive one.Andthen, Michaela and I walked in after her. I was pleasantly surprised how clean and inviting it felt. The room looked lovely. Two, large, double beds (two of us were to share) and funky-colored, striped drapes. Apart from that, the furnishings looked top quality and were dark oak, mostly. Atop the drawers sat a large flat screen for the times when we weren’t lounging around by the pool.
The valet politely coughed. I sensed he was waiting for a tip. I reached intomy bag and pulled out ten dollars and slid it into the palm of his hand. He left.
“You tipped him?” Michaela asked.
“Of course. Statistics say that people in this line of work rely on…” I attempted to say.
“Of course they do,” Donna butted in, as she focused on looking out of the window.
Michaela started to strip. “I’m not sure about you two, but I’m going up to the roof pool to do a little evening swimming.”
Donna yelled with excitement. “I’m coming with you. Sienna, you gonna come, or what?”
“I’ll give it a miss. I’m going to have a walk around downstairs and check out the amenities.”
“Suit yourself, you know where we are.”
The door slammed as the two girls headed upstairs, nearly immediately. I changed into something a little more casual. I shoved twenty dollars into my pocket with the room keys, and then I headed back down to the ground floor.
I looked at the large notice board and read what was on offer. It was easy to see that for the hustle and bustleand free music, we’d definitely chosen the right place. Fremont Street staged the free Downtown Hoedownthis week, which might be fun.
I tilted my head back as I heard screams billowing in shrieks from the gaming room. It sounded as if someone just won a jackpot on one of the slot machines. I was tempted. My pocket had a twenty that itched to be changed and join in the fun. I liked gambling… in moderation.
I left the cashier window with a paper cup full of coins and strolled around the slots. By the time I’d reached halfway down the container,I thoughtI wouldn’t win.
And then…
Not the jackpot, although coins streamed out from the machine. I happily filled the cup, and then some. I headed back to the cashier’swindow and converted them all to chips. My twenty had now become fifty.
I walked around the tables. Poker —too hard. Craps —I really had no idea how to play. So, as if by magic, I found myself at the roulette table. I knew this was pretty simple. Pick a number and place your bets as the croupier called out each time he spun the wheel. I stuck to red and black —being an accountant I hedged my bets against losses, and slowly increased my pile of wonderful chips.
Suddenly, I felt that someone was watching me. I looked up and saw a familiar face. I kept my head bowed as I glanced from the corner of my eye. A little older than me, with short, dark hair. Piercing brown eyes. Where did I recognize himfrom?
Think, think. Oh… Shit. He’s coming this way.
The apartment building?
Oh boy! He’s coming to me.
I felt a warmth pursue my face. I kept my head tilted as the croupier slid another few chips in my direction.
Elevator. He’sthe guy who goes past floor two. It’s…it’s…floor four.
I recognized the guy. He lived in the same apartment building as me in New York. I noticed his face in the polished stainless steel of the elevator. He leaned on the rear wall and looked cool, calm and collected.
Tanby and Tanby. He worked at the same firm as me. The guy with the smoldering good looks and rugged, handsome features.
It’s…it’s… that hotshotlawyer. It’s Benjamin Barker. In my motel, in Vegas. At myroulette table. Walking toward me. Oh God!
He sidled up at the side of me.
He must’ve seen that I’d recognized him. Who wouldn’t recognizethe one and only Benjamin Barker? All the girls swooned in the office when he was around.I wondered why he was here. In Vegas, at the same time.
“Benj…” he started to say with a smile. I impolitely butted in. More from nerves than being ignorant.
“Sienna. We live in the same apartment, I’m floor two, and you’re… um,” I said.
I then mentioned we worked at the same firm (Tanby and Tanby) and he asked if I was a guest at the motel. He smelled divine. A mix of peppermint and strawberry that made my nose feel tickly.
“Second floor.”
He smiled. “Well! Isn’t that a coincidence?” he chortled.
Isn’t it just.



Monday, August 20, 2018

Cover Reveal: The Forgotten Child by Melissa Erin Jackson

The Forgotten Child
Melissa Erin Jackson
Publication date: October 10th 2018
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Paranormal

Ever since Riley Thomas, reluctant medium extraordinaire, accidentally released a malevolent spirit from a Ouija board when she was thirteen, she’s taken a hard pass on scary movies, haunted houses, and cemeteries. So when her best friend pressures her into spending a paranormal investigation weekend at the infamous Jordanville Ranch—former home of deceased serial killer Orin Jacobs—Riley is one-hundred-percent not ready.
Shortly after their arrival at the ranch, the spirit of a little boy contacts Riley; a child who went missing—and was never found—in 1973.
In order to put the young boy’s spirit to rest, she has to come to grips with her ability. But how can she solve a mystery that happened a decade before she was born? Especially when someone who knows Orin’s secrets wants to keep the truth buried—no matter the cost.

Author Bio:
Melissa has had a love of stories for as long as she can remember, but only started penning her own during her freshman year of college. She majored in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology at UCDavis. Yet, while she was neck-deep in organic chemistry and physics, she kept finding herself writing stories in the back of the classroom about fairies and trolls and magic. She finished her degree, but it never captured her heart the way writing did.
Now she owns her own dog walking business (that’s sort of wildlife related, right?) by day…and afternoon and night…and writes whenever she gets a spare moment. The Microsoft Word app is a gift from the gods!
She alternates mostly between fantasy and mystery (often with a paranormal twist). All her books have some element of “other” to them…witches, ghosts, UFOs. There’s no better way to escape the real world than getting lost in a fictional one.
She lives in Northern California with her very patient boyfriend and way too many pets.
The Forgotten Child is her debut, the first in a paranormal mystery series.


Friday, August 17, 2018

Book Beginnings | The Friday 56: The Demon Race by Alexandria Warwick

 Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. 

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice
Grab a book, any book. Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader. Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) and post it.
Book Beginning:
It was night. A cold wind howled through the narrow window chiseled into the western wall, salt and sand and hints of a sun long gone having blown in from the sparse, skeletal land.

Friday 56: 
His shoulders slumped. "I don't know what the future holds. I don't even know if we'll survive the end of the race. But I do know I care about you, and I won't leave you here to make a choice you will regret.

So I'm REALLY enjoying this book. I'm a little over 50% in now and I can't think of anything that I'm disliking so far. I certainly hope it's going to stay like this. I'm loving the main character 'Namali' because she's learning to say no and standing up for herself, finally making her own decisions for her life. I love that! 

There's also a blog tour coming up for this book in which I am participating. My stop is September 6th so be sure to keep an eye open for it. It's going to be so much fun!

About the book:

A race across the desert.

An unimaginable prize.

It occurs once every thousand years: the Demon Race. A test of will and strength, it is a race across the Saraj, a fight for the prize of a lifetime. And it is the key to Namali Hafshar’s freedom.

When shy, seventeen-year-old Namali learns of her arranged marriage, she flees home and enters the Demon Race for the chance to change her fate. But to compete, she must cross the Saraj on a daeva, a shadow demon that desires its own reward: to infect her soul with darkness.

Namali soon learns the desert holds more dangers than meets the eye. The only person she can trust is Sameen, a kind competitor seeking his own destiny. As her affection for him grows, however, so too does the darkness in her heart.

In this race of men and demons, only one can win. But the price of winning might be more than Namali is willing to pay.

What do you think of these quotes?

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