Monday, August 25, 2014

Blog Tour: Debt Inheritance by Pepper Winters

Title: Debt Inheritance
Author: Pepper Winters
Series: Indebted #1
Publication: August 18th 2014
Genre: Adult ~ Dark Erotica 
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Smashwords
Cover Rating: 5/5
Overall Rating: 5/5

“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

She is no longer free.

Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

There are no rules. Only payments.

If I had any doubts up till now (which I certainly didn't have), it's so very clear after reading Debt Inheritance that Pepper Winters is the queen of dark, gritty and sensual books — She's the best and so good at what she does. 

Although brought up sheltered by a protective father and twin brother, Nila Weaver made a pretty good name for herself as a fashion designer and had just finished up a successful show. I really liked reading about her. She was funny, unconvential and protected — until she met Jethro Hawk. It's obvious she was very intrigued and captivated by him. Who wouldn't be? At least until she found out what Jethro's really about. He was cold, frightening, powerful and loyal to his corrupt family. If you're hoping for redeeming qualities, there are none (so far). Of course I loved him. 

The secondary characters were also very interesting to read about. I'd like to know more about them. From Jethro's brothers to Nila's family to the mysterious Kite007 who sends Nila dirty texts. Seriously, who is he? He must be important to the story, I'm sure of it. Pepper Winters has always been good in creating fascinating side characters that I want to get to know more. It's what I'm used to with her books. I love it.

This six hundred year debt where the Hawks essentially own the Weaver women, was a pretty intriguing concept to me. Evil but intriguing. I'm sure there's so much more to find out about this debt and I can't wait to find out along with Nila. Just like Pepper Winters's other books, this one was full of dark, dirty and erotic elements. This is definitely not a story for the faint hearted. Be warned. I, personally loved it of course. I pretty much devour books like these and Debt Inheritance was no exception. 

I honestly hadn't expected this book to end so soon. I mean, It's pretty clear that this is a slightly shorter book so I read it pretty fast. But still,  I wasn't ready for the ending, especially not that ending. Wow! 

I still have so much questions. There's a lot left unanswered, which I'm sure will be explained in the next books. I especially want to know more about the debt and what the Weavers did exactly to earn a punishment like that. Obviously I want to know more about Jethro, too. About his past, his childhood, his likes and dislikes... heck, I want to know everything. Also, I'm strangely interested in Nila's twin brother. There's something about him that I can't quite put my finger on. And I don't think it's good. And most importantly, who is Kite007? 

Debt Inheritance was good. Really good. Incredible even. I was extremely engrossed in it and barely put it down. I actually read it in only two sittings. So yeah, to say I loved it is definitely an understatement. Everything about this book was excellent. The characters — interesting, enigmatic and sinful. The writing — Descriptive, gripping and captivating. The world of debts and payments — dark, wicked and erotic. Overall, a damn good book with a killer cliffhanger that makes me crave the next book more than anything!

Favorite Quotes:

The world was a dangerous place, but I was worse.
Coldness etched his gaze.
Aloofness whispered from his posture.
Calculation radiated from his every pore.
I'd never been so intimidated or so intimately challenged.
I was a hunter. Skilled with both bow and arrow and gun. I stalked the weaker and slit their throats when they succumbed to my careful aim. But sometimes I liked to... miss. I liked to give them a small window of safety, all while closing the noose when they didn't expect it.
I liked to play with my food.
I truly was Cinderella, only my prince threw away the glass slipper and stole me away before midnight struck. My prince was evil. My prince was the villain.

About the Author:

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)

Her Grey Romance books include:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #78

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted @ Tynga's Reviews, to showcase the books we received.

Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout

For Review:
Debt Inheritance by Pepper Winters
Amazing book. Simply brilliant. Keep an eye out for my review. Will be posted on 8/25 for the blog tour!

For Review:
Hero, Cursed by Diantha Jones
Already read it (duh) and I loooooooooooved it. Find my review here!

For Review:
The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
I can't quite believe I actually got accepted for this one. But yay!

For Review:
Queen of Someday by Sherry D. Ficklin
Seriously, how freaking amazing does this book sound? I can't wait to dive into it!

TFIOS phone case
My new phone cover isn't exactly a book but it is bookish so thought I'd share it too. I love it so fecking much! <3

What books did you all receive?
Leave me links to your hauls so I can stop by!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Throwback Thursday #32: Wither by Lauren DeStefano

Throwback Thursday is a bookish meme hosted every two weeks by me and Christina @ Booksane where we feature books that we've read in the past but are still crazy about. It could be a book you read as a child and still remember and love or maybe just a book that you haven't read in a long time and want to show your love for.
Each week we'll be featuring a new random question to answer!

Wither by Lauren DeStefano
The Chemical Garden #1
June 01 to 03, 2011

By age sixteen, Rhine Ellery has four years left to live. She can thank modern science for this genetic time bomb. A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males with a lifespan of 25 years, and females with a lifespan of 20 years. Geneticists are seeking a miracle antidote to restore the human race, desperate orphans crowd the population, crime and poverty have skyrocketed, and young girls are being kidnapped and sold as polygamous brides to bear more children.

When Rhine is kidnapped and sold as a bride, she vows to do all she can to escape. Her husband, Linden, is hopelessly in love with her, and Rhine can't bring herself to hate him as much as she'd like to. He opens her to a magical world of wealth and illusion she never thought existed, and it almost makes it possible to ignore the clock ticking away her short life. But Rhine quickly learns that not everything in her new husband's strange world is what it seems. Her father-in-law, an eccentric doctor bent on finding the antidote, is hoarding corpses in the basement. Her fellow sister wives are to be trusted one day and feared the next, and Rhine is desperate to communicate to her twin brother that she is safe and alive. Will Rhine be able to escape--before her time runs out?

Together with one of Linden's servants, Gabriel, Rhine attempts to escape just before her seventeenth birthday. But in a world that continues to spiral into anarchy, is there any hope for freedom?

Wither is one of my all-time favorite books? Why? Because it's one of the best dystopian books ever. It has a great story, fantastic writing and a gorgeous cover. This book, the first one, is my favorite in the trilogy but really, the other books are great too. I'd love to re-read it.

Eventually I realize that I am holding on to him just as tightly as he holds on to me. And here we are: two small dying things, as the world ends around us like falling autumn leaves.

Question of this week:

Last e-book you read and loved?

Hero, Cursed by Diantha Jones

I finished this the other day and it was fantastic (as all the books by this author are). The ending made me a little crazy, though.I just need to know what that's about!

Next question (September 11): 
Favorite and least favorite book you read so far this year?

If you'd like to participate in Throwback Thursday you can add your post to the linky below. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review: Hero, Cursed by Diantha Jones

Title: Hero, Cursed
Author: Diantha Jones
Series: Mythos #2; Oracle of Delphi #3.5
Publication: August 17th 2014
Genre: Young Adult ~ Greek Mythology
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Cover Rating: 5/5
Overall Rating: 5/5

Before he knew the Oracle.
Before he knew the Quad.
Before the Great Unknown threatened his world.
He was a hero, cursed forever.

Shunned by a family that doesn't understand him, demigod Lenka Tahile aka "Swindle" is a complete loner and he likes it that way. Then he meets the hero, Ace Remedy, the brother of an infamous demigod Prince, and his life goes from bad to worse. Ace is loud, rude, and disruptive to his peaceful existence in every way. He's also hilarious and daring, and Swindle ends up finding a friend just when he thought he'd never have another.

But little does he know, becoming friends with Ace was all part of the Fates' plan. Now his past is slowly coming back to haunt him and there's nothing he can do to stop it. Nothing but try not to bring to light the lost love, the failed hopes, and the cursed existence that he would kill to keep in the dark.

I was not chosen. I was cursed.

Diantha Jones really surprised me with Hero, Cursed — This is Swindle like you've never seen him before. 

I can't express enough how much I love these Mythos books. It gives us insight into the characters and let's us get to know them better and understand where they're coming from. I think this is especially good with Swindle because he's one of my favorite characters and there has been so much mystery surrounding him.

I loved seeing Swindle's past and how his curse started. I couldn't have been more surprised by his involvement with Jason and the Argonauts. I think my exact reaction was: "Jason?! *jaw drops*" Yeah, that sounds about right. I must say that I really feel bad for everything Swindle went through, with the curse, losing his mother over and over again. And of course Apollo has to make everything so much harder for him. Poor Swindle!

There are some characters that we know from the Oracle of Delphi books making an appearance. Of course there's Ace — I always enjoy reading about him. I love his and Swindle's bromance. They're so much fun together. I was thrilled to see Strafford coming in too, sort of... It totally was a mind fuck. Thanks for that, Diantha. And Apollo, naturally, was being a pain in Swindle's ass. There were more familiar characters but I'll just let you discover it on your own. 

So overall, another fantastic book by Diantha Jones with awesome action, great writing and an ending that made me scream inside. Hero, Cursed was just as amazing as I was hoping it would be. Lenka "Swindle" Tahile is definitely one of the more intriguing characters in the Oracle of Delphi and Mythos books. I loved this story about him and as always I can't get enough of this world. More, please!

About the Author:

Diantha Jones was born the day thousands of turkeys sacrificed their lives to fill millions of American bellies on November 22 which also happened to be Thanksgiving Day (Her mother says she owes her a turkey). She is a Journalism graduate who wants to be a career novelist (of books, not Facebook posts). When not writing or working, she is reading on her Nook, getting drunk on Red Bulls, being hypnotized by Netflix or on a mission to procure french fries.

The Oracle of Delphi fantasy series is her first series. She is also the author of Mythos: Stories from Olympus, a companion series, and there is another fantasy series in the works.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Debt Inheritance by Pepper Winters + Giveaway (INT)

Debt Inheritance (Book One) Indebted Series
debt inheritance cover.jpg
RELEASE DATE: August 18th

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“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”
Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.
She is no longer free.
Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.
There are no rules. Only payments.
A modern day Dark Erotic Romance

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Excerpt: Debt Inheritance:  Meet Jethro & Nina

ONE - Nina's POV
Huge disappointment, Ms. Weaver.” His cold glare sent a snowstorm wiping away the bonfire in my belly. “I’m done playing games, so cut the bullshit. Time to begin the day.” His voice gave no room for interpretation. A cold draft shot down my back.
My brief reprieve from debts and horrible Hawks was over. I’d been shown something I desperately wanted, but denied it because I failed to please him.
“You could teach me…show me how…” I couldn’t make eye contact with him. Mortification painted my cheeks for both admitting I was clueless and asking a monster to coach me.
Jethro laughed. “You think that will save you from what’s coming? Was that your little plan? To make me fuck you in the hopes I might feel something for you?”

TWO - Jethro's POV

I stood up slowly, clicking my tongue. “Ah, ah, ah, Ms. Weaver. Don’t take that tone with me. You’re the failure. You’re the prisoner. You take what I give you. You do not assume to have any say or authority. That includes listening to everything I deem important to tell you.” Ghosting to a stop in front of her, I murmured, “Is that quite understood?”
I flexed my muscles, welcoming back the soothing chillness of control. I hadn’t liked stepping outside my confines of civility. Things got messy when silence was disrupted. Things got rushed when tempers rose and curses flowed.
And I didn’t want to rush her undoing. I wanted to savour it. Devour it.

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About the Author:

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

Her Grey Romance books include:

STALK Pepper: 

Signed Swag Pack (2 Winners)
ebook of Debt Inheritance (5 Winners)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Review: Exposure by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

Title: Exposure: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare's Macbeth
Authors: Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

Series: Twisted Lit #2
Publication: January 18th 2013 by Merit Press
Genre: Young Adult ~ Contemporary ~ Retelling
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository 

Cover Rating: 3/5
Overall Rating: 4/5

Double, double, toil and trouble. Sometimes, the quest for high school royalty can be deadly! In this emotionally-charged twist on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, a self-conscious shutterbug named Skye Kingston navigates a treacherous school year in Alaska fraught with unspoken secrets and tragic twists of fate. Along the way she encounters three strangely prophetic BFFs; one social-climbing, sociopathic cheerleader; and a heart-stopping hottie named Craig McKenzie: the man who would be Prom King. Can Skye save the boy she loves — and herself — before they get caught in the crosshairs?

How I love these books. I feel like for the past two days I've been living on a Twisted Lit cloud. When I finished Tempesteous I started Exposure right away. And even though I didn't think it was quite as good as its predecessor, I still really liked it.

This book, unlike the previous one, had definitely a slightly dark undertone. I mean, it was still kind of cute but with the murder and everything it was darker. Which I thought was great.

As always (so far) with a Twisted Lit book, I really liked the main character and her voice. Skye was a little bit of an outsider, which I think a lot of people can relate to. I also liked her three friends. I'm not sure I liked Craig, though. He had his good moments for sure but I thought he was kind of an ass for the way he treated Skye for the past three years.

As always the writing was excellent, which by now I shouldn't be surprised with because obviously Kim Askew and Amy Helmes are very skilled with words. 

All in all, Exposure was another thoroughly enjoyable and recommendable book in the Twisted List series!

About the Authors:

Los Angeles-based writers Kim Askew and Amy Helmes have been writing and blogging together since 2007. Askew, whose work has appeared in Elle and other magazines as well as the anthology The May Queen, is a content manager for the Webby-award winning teen site and the FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Helmes is a West Coast editor for Soaps In Depth magazine and a contributor to The Rundown, a daily e-mail service that keeps subscribers informed on what’s new and cool in L.A.