Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blogger Interview with Jenn from Simply Young Adult

I'm so thrilled to have Jenn from Simply Young Adult with me today for my first blogger interview. 


Hi Jenn! I'm sooooo happy and excited to have you joining me here on Bookfever for my very first blogger interview. Thank you so much for that! :D

Hey Steph! I am very honored to be here, thanks for asking me.

Let's get this party started! :D
What are you reading now and what are your feelings about it?
I'm currently reading Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning. I love the characters and the action, it's an amazing book.

What's your favorite childhood book?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was definitely my favorite.

Favorite and least favorite book you read this year (so far)?
My favorite book so far is Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson and least favorite is Bared to You by Sylvia Day.

How do you feel about reading or writing negative reviews?
I'm okay with reading negative reviews as long as it doesn't dissect every single part of a book. Some reviews like to point out small errors or focus on how much they hated a character or their actions or the way the author spins their story. I just remember that everyone has their own opinion and that what one person dislikes another may love.

I know you have a lot but if you had to narrow it down to one, who would be your very favorite book boyfriend? (Yes, I'm evil asking this one ;D)
This question isn't very fair to my other book boyfriends Steph but my favorite would have to be Jem Carstairs.

Favorite book to movie adaptation?
2011 version of Jane Eyre.

If you could ever have lunch with an author of your choice, who would it be and why?
Cassandra Clare because I love her Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series. I'd love to ask her about all things Shadowhunter and learn where she gets her ideas from.

Who is your favorite fictional villain?
Captain Hook.

What do you think makes a good book boyfriend?
A good book boyfriend has to be kind, loyal and strong. He must be a one woman kinda guy. He shouldn't take any crap from his girl or anyone else, he has to be proud of who he is and not afraid to show that.

Favorite book blogging moment you had?
I'm sure you can guess that one. My interview with Ace Remedy from the Oracle of Delphi series by Diantha Jones was quite an experience. He enjoyed talking about our secret society of cute bloggers and he was a lot of fun to have on my blog.
And now...
Lightning Round!
YA or Adult? YA.
Alpha Male character or Best Friend character? Best friend character.
Love triangle or Insta-love? Love triangle.
200 page books or 500 page books? 200 page books.
Physical book or ebook? Physical book.

Thank you again for doing this, Jenn. I appreciate it a lot! Happy reading to you! 
No problem Steph, I had a great time. Thanks for having me!
